July 8, 2017

3 Best Electric Head Shavers - for a
Quick, Perfect Shave & Bald Look

Best Electric Head Shaver

A shaved head is a classic, cool style which suits many men. 

Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, Patrick Stewart and other screen icons show how a completely bald look can be masculine, sophisticated and appealing.

if you’re losing your hair, shaving your head is an effective way to look younger, more dignified and, well, less like George Costanza.

Shaving your head isn’t as simple as many people think. For best results, you’ll want a shaver specifically designed for your dome. An electric head shaver is a completely different tool than the shaver you use on your face.​

We’re here with everything you need to know. First, we’re going to introduce you to the world of head shavers and show you which features are best for your specific needs. Then we’ve got detailed mini-reviews of the three best electric head shavers worth your consideration.

3 Best Head Shavers - Top Picks

Head Shavers 101: What to Know Before You Buy

A clean-shaven head is about as maintenance-free as hair care gets.

Say goodbye to shampooing, conditioning, haircuts and hair styles. But shaving your head isn’t a one-and-done deal.

top head shavers

Whether you naturally have a full head of hair or some male pattern baldness, you don’t want some of your head to look smooth while other parts have visible stubble. Most guys will need to shave their head every two to three days. So, you want the head shaver you buy to be comfortable, effective and reliable.

Hair is one of the fastest growing things on the human body, and male hair grows faster than women’s.

Whether you naturally have a full head of hair or some male pattern baldness, you don’t want some of your head to look smooth while other parts have visible stubble. Most guys will need to shave their head every two to three days. So, you want the head shaver you buy to be comfortable, effective and reliable.

What is a Head Shaver?

Electric head shavers are specifically designed to shave head hair, which has a different texture and strength than facial hair. 

The electric shaver you use on your face can’t handle the thicker, tougher hair on the top of your head.

As with most things in life, you want to use the right tool for the right job.

Don’t use scissors or a razor made for your face to shave your head. Only a head shaver is safe and effective for removing the hair on your head.

Why Do You Need a Head Shaver?

There are two ways to remove the hair on your head:

  • Manual razor
  • Electric head shaver

While a manual razor can give your head a smooth look, they’re not easy to use. Unless you’re a professional barber, using a manual razor is often more trouble than it’s worth. Plus, razors increase your risk of nicks and cuts. Of course you can do it on your own, but it might take some time and still, you always have the risk of nicks and cuts.

On the other hand, electric head shavers do the tough work for you and they require very little practice or learning. An electric razor shaves much faster than a manual one. Plus, head shavers don’t require shaving cream, gel, soap or similar shaving aids. Some quick buzzes and you’re good to go!

  • key
    Key Takeaway

Manual razors aren’t a sensible option for most guys. Only an electric shaver lets you safely and accurately shave your entire head.

What to Look for When Buying a Head Shaver

Remember, you’re going to be using your head shaver pretty frequently. And, while all types of shavers will remove the hair from your head, they’re not all equal. Features vary across different models.

When shopping for a head shaver, first take the time to understand your specific needs. 
Don’t buy an electric head shaver which has a bunch of features you’ll never use.



Most shavers have both corded and cordless operations. Plugging the shaver into an outlet charges the battery, so you can then use the shaver cordless. Charging time varies by model. Some can fully charge in an hour while others need to be charged overnight.

Fully charged, the battery in the best head shavers will typically last between 70 and 90 minutes. Most quality shavers have a battery charge around 40 to 50 minutes. While initially shaving your head clean can take a half-hour or more, most touch-up head shaves are considerably faster.

Most of the times you'll be able to use the shaver while it’s plugged, but if it's not possible then you should check the battery. 

If corded shaving sounds more like your style, you’ll want to pay attention to the cord length. Some shaver cords are very short and designed only for charging. You’ll want a cord long enough to allow freedom of movement. If the cord will be too short you won't be able to use the head shaver while plugged.

how to buy the best head electric shaver


The look, feel and functionality of an electric shaver can vary wildly by model.

Check out the grip. Can you comfortably hold the shaver with one hand?

Remember, shaving your head completely will require holding the shaver at some pretty awkward angles.

How easy is the shaver to clean and maintain? While most electric shavers can’t be exposed to a torrent of water (so keep them out of the shower), many shavers can be rinsed in the sink with tap water. Some shavers will need regular cleaning with special oils and brushes.

Finally, note the noise the shaver makes. All electric shavers will have some type of motor hum. But you probably want to avoid anything excessively noisy. This can be an important consideration if you’ll be shaving in the morning while the rest of your household is asleep.

Motor Type

Electric shavers have one of two motor types: Rotary or foil.

1. Rotary

Rotary blades move in a circular motion, cutting hair with each pass. This is the best option for guys with thick hair or hair which grows in many different directions.

Rotary cutters don’t always give you the closest shave, but they do make it easy to reach your entire head (even areas you can’t see).

2. Foil

Foil razors have blades covered with a layer of thin metal which contain small slots. Hairs pass through the slots where they’re cut. Ideal for sensitive skin and those with fine, straight hair. Foil razors give you a closer shave than rotary. However, this close shave makes growth more noticeable, so foil users will need to shave more often than rotary users.

You can find more info about the head shaver motor types here.

Skin Type

Your skin’s sensitivity is an important factor when choosing a razor type.

Each shave removes a small layer of skin. Shaving the same area repeatedly can cause red, irritated skin. Aside from being uncomfortable, this is also not a great look for your head. Guys with sensitive skin should select a head shaver with adjustable closeness settings. Also, you’ll want to consider a foil blade.


Aside from the head shaver, what accessories are also included?

The exact extras will depend on the specific model you choose. Common shaving accessories include facial hair trimmers, blade guards, cleaning brushes and oils, replacement blades, universal outlet adapters and more. Most accessories can be purchased separately -- so don’t buy an electric razor which contains a ton of additional items you’ll never need or use.

Quality and Reliability

You want an electric shaver which will last years if not decades.

A well-known brand name isn’t necessarily required, but you do want the manufacturer to
be reliable and reputable. You’ll also likely want a warranty for any defects or other problems. Finally, remember to look at all the parts beyond the main shaver. How well-made are the blades, cords and other smaller aspects of the shaver?

  • key
    Key Takeaway

No two guys have the same exact head shaving needs. Before purchasing a head shaver, consider all the features and accessories. You want a shaver which will last a long time even with heavy use.

3 Best Electric Head Shavers - Reviews

If you’re just starting the search for the best head shaver, you might be surprised at the sheer (no pun intended) number of options available. But as we’ve shown above, there are many features to consider. Here are three electric head shavers you’ll want to know more about:


  • Battery: 40 Minutes
  • Charging Time: 4 Hours
  • Waterproof: Yes
  • Trimming Combs: 9


  • Ergonomic, lightweight and extremely portable
  • Waterproof – can be used in the shower!
  • Tons of accessories including nine length guide combs


  • Average to low battery life
  • Blade heights aren’t adjustable
  • Combs are on the small side
  • Non-professional power levels


Remington is one of the biggest names in shavers. Which is a bit ironic considering how small and portable the HC4250 Shortcut Pro is. The shaver is barely bigger than any of the included nine combs.

Accessories include nine length combs, a charging adapter and a pouch for travel or storage. Also included are a cleaning brush and oil. Powered by a rechargeable lithium battery.


The HC4250 may be small but it packs a lot of punch. With a comfortable grip, this head shaver can easily fit into the palm of your hand. Lightweight and easy to handle, the extra-wide curved blade effortlessly sticks to the contours of any head.

Looking for something not just water resistant but waterproof? Remove the cord and you can actually use this shaver in the shower. After each shave, simply use tap water to rinse away excess water and you’re good to go.

This head shaver is one of the quietest we’ve ever seen. You won’t wake the whole household. In fact, the small buzz can barely be heard in the next room!


The Shortcut Pro is a great option for guys who want to shave their head weekly
or even daily while on the go. Easy to travel with and clean while on the road, the HC4250 takes a reasonable four hours to charge fully. A full charge gives you 40 minutes of cord-free power.


This is not a professional-level shaver which will withstand the heavy use of a barber shop. But there’s a lot to like if you’re a casual user looking for an easy, quick way to keep your head shaved clean. Great ergonomics and reliability at an affordable price, the HC4250 Shortcut Pro takes no shortcuts on quality.


  • Battery: ~1 Hour
  • Charging Time: ~1 Hour
  • Waterproof: Yes


  • Foil razor delivers a close, comfortable shave
  • LCD display makes power management a snap
  • Water resistant design shaves wet hair


  • Does not include replacement blades or foils
  • Requires more frequent shaves


Alright, so it doesn’t have the catchiest name. But the Panasonic ES-LA63-S has some pretty impressive numbers. Specifically, this electric head shaver has a four-blade foil cutting system with a two-motor system.

This shaver has its own LCD display, which is certainly a unique feature. The display shows the current level of battery power, charging status and other operational information.

Accessories are a bit on the light side. Included are an AC charging cord, but not a charging stand. Also included is a travel pouch. 

Notably missing are any replacement foils or blades. You’ll likely need them at some point, so be prepared for this extra expense at some point down the line.


Motor #1 moves the shaver sideways while the second motor controls up and down movement. Blades spin at a robust 14,000 cuts per minute. Plus, you’ll get a close, smooth shave every time because the blades are set at a 30-degree angle.

This is a foil razor with a twist. Foil shaving technology rolls the skin up which allows for a deeper cut down to the follicle level. You’ll get a fast, smooth shave over your entire head.


With foil shaving technology, you’ll get a closer shave than with rotary. But if you want a completely bald look, you’ll probably have to shave every day or every other day. This shaver also works on wet hair, which isn’t a feature you’ll find in a lot of other shavers.

If you're looking for a shaver for your head & face this is the perfect shaver for you.


This is a solid, reliable foil shaver which delivers a smooth shave. Plus, this shaver has quite a few interesting features including the LCD display and ability to shave wet hair. While not many accessories are included, this head shaver is a reliable, powerful choice.


  • Battery: No, Corded
  • Charging Time: Not Needed
  • Waterproof: No


  • Powerful motor. Twice the speed of pivot clippers
  • Includes two cutting guides and surgical blades


  • Loud operation
  • Blade adjustment is necessary for a completely clean-shaven look
  • Corded operation only


Wahl is a clipper powerhouse, although most of their models are corded. The 5-Star 8110 has a V5000+ electromagnetic motor which cuts through even thick hair quickly.

Accessories include two attachment combs, oil, cleaning brush, red blade guard and instructions. This is a corded head shaver. The cord is eight feet long and chemical resistant.


As a corded head shaver, you’ll need to be near an outlet. This might not be the best shaver to travel with. But if you want to use a strong, fast shaver in your home, the Wahl 8110 cuts hair quicker as fast or faster than practically anything else on the market.


Some guys say this head shaver doesn’t shave all the way down to the skin, but
we experienced no issues. 

This head shaver is really only going to work in situations where the user is near an electrical outlet. This definitely limits the portability.

However, this is an excellent head shaver for heavy-duty use. Even suitable for use by hair cutting professionals!


What the Wahl head shaver lacks in portability it makes up for with speed and power.

If you want to shave your head as quickly as possible, this is the shaver to choose. While there aren’t a ton of accessories, and operation can be a bit loud, this head shaver cuts away thick head hair at record speed.

Final Words

The clean-shaven, bald look is a timeless classic. Whether you want to change up your style or simply want to “cut down” on daily maintenance, you’ll want a head shaver.

Before purchasing an electric head shaver you’ll want to look at the razor type, motor speed, accessories and other features. Using the tips above will help you find the best head shaver for your needs and achieve the perfect bald look.


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