Category Archives for "Beards"

June 24, 2018

Beard Hair Loss – Causes, Remedies & Prevention

Beard Hair Loss – Causes, Remedies & Prevention For men losing hair is one of the most depressing thing in the world. It doesn’t matter where the hair falls off from. We DON’T like it. In this post I’ll talk about beard hair loss, causes, what is normal and when to freak out. I’ll also look […]

June 16, 2018

Best Foods That Promote & Help Beard Growth

Best Foods That Promote & Help Beard Growth Everyone’s looking for the magic product that will make their beards thicker and fuller.If you ask me, there isn’t such a product, BUT there are things you can do to help promote your beard growth.One such example is nutrition.What if I told you that there are certain […]

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