November 13, 2017

Movember & No Shave November - Everything You Wanted to Know

MOVEMBER and No Shave November

What if told you that by letting your facial hair grow you could save lives?

Yes, sounds weird, but it's true! This is the idea behind Movember and No Shave November.

These two movements help raise awareness for causes like cancer research and men’s health.

Wanna learn more or help?, read on!

What Is Movember?

The Movember Foundation is the creation of two friends. Back in 2003, two Australian men decided to bring back the mustache trend while raising awareness for health issues that affect men.

The Movember Foundation is currently tackling a wide range of issues that affect men and boys, including cancer and mental health. The foundation has funded 1,200 projects since its creation in 1,200 and has a presence in more than 20 countries.

The purpose of the Movember Foundation is to save men’s lives.

The foundation is most well-known for its annual event in November that encourages men from around the world to grow a mustache in an effort to create and raise awareness for issues such as prostate and testicular cancers or men’s suicide.

During this event, participants can set up fundraising pages for the foundation. The money raised is then used to fund different programs. This is a global event and everyone is welcome to create a fundraising page.

These are some of the programs funded by the Movember Foundation:

  • Prostate cancer is responsible for over 26,000 deaths a year. The Movember Foundation educates men about symptoms and risk factors, funds cancer research and works on encouraging governments to make treatments available to everyone.
  • Testicular cancer affects one out of 263 men. The Movember Foundation launched an international research initiative for this type of cancer in 2011 and has helped fund a number of other research projects.
  • Mental health and suicide prevention are other areas this foundation focuses on. The Movember Foundation offers community programs to help boys and men develop support networks and even funds TV programs that challenge the way masculinity and mental health are perceived.
no shave november

So What Is No Shave November?

There is another event that takes place in November each year.

No Shave November encourages participants to stop shaving for a month in order to create awareness for cancer.

No Shave November started as a Facebook trend in 2009. The original purpose of the event was to get participant to donate the money they would spend on shaving and grooming products to the American Cancer Society.

No Shave November is a global event. Anyone can participate by stopping shaving for a month and by either donating to cancer research or raising awareness for this cause. No Shave November currently supports the Prevent Cancer Foundation, Fight Colorectal Cancer and the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Participating In Movember

Interested in becoming a Bro Mo or a Mo Sista?

Anyone can take part in Movember. Participants can sign up on the official Movember website, start growing a mustache and set up a donation page.

There are plenty of other ways to get involved, raise funds and bring attention to the health crisis men are facing:

  • Donating to the Movember Foundation at any time, or donating to a participant’s page.
  • Creating a donation page and drawing attention to this cause by setting a sports-related goal. This approach doesn’t require growing a mustache.
  • Participants can host events at work, school, or for their community to raise money.
  • Anyone can browse the Movember Foundation website to find events in their area.

Many women take part in Movember to support the men in their lives. Women can become a Mo Sista by setting up a donation page, taking part in a local event or making a direct donation to the foundation at any time of the year.

The Movember Foundation gives participants the possibility to win some prizes. The participant or team that raises the most cash during the month of November will win a cruise and there are additional drawings for cash prizes as well.


Participating In No Shave November

Anyone can participate in No Shave November. Participants can create a fundraising page once they have signed up on the official website of the non-profit organization. The organization encourages participants to stop shaving, but it is possible to donate or raise money without growing a mustache.

Anyone can support the No Shave November cause by donating to an existing page, by purchasing one of the T-shirts sold on the organization’s website or by simply raising awareness for the work of this non-profit organization.

The rules are simple. No Shave November is about raising money via a fundraising page. Participants can grow attention to their page in a number of ways – including growing a beard, sharing their page on social media or organizing local events.

There are no prizes for taking part in No Shave November, but participants can see how their efforts stack up against the top contributors by checking the leaderboard. There are no official local events organized by No Shave November, but there might a team, a business, a school or even a police department organizing a local event to raise funds in a nearby area!

Beard On, Moustache Up, DO GOOD!

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